- Choose your direction:
- to East to Downtown Largo
- to West to Capital Plaza
L12 to East to Downtown Largo
- Cooper Ln+Annapolis Rd
- approaching
- Annapolis Rd+65 Av 
- Annapolis Rd+62 Av 
- Hospital Dr+Landover Rd 
- Hospital Dr+County Health Ctr 
- Hospital Dr+County Health Ctr 
- Hospital Dr+Landover Rd 
- Landover Rd+62 Pl
- at stop
- Landover Rd+63 Pl 
- Landover Rd+Cheverly Terrace Apt 
- Landover Rd+Kilmer St 
- Old Landover Rd+Landover Rd 
- Landover+Bay D 
- Old Landover Rd+Landover Rd 
- Landover Rd+Pinebrook Av 
- Pinebrook Av+Landover Rd 
- Hawthorne St+Pinebrook Av 
- Hawthorne St+#6819 
- Hawthorne St+Kent Town Dr 
- Hawthorne St+Kent Village Dr 
- Hawthorne St+Fire House Rd
- approaching
- approaching
- Firehouse Rd+E Lombard St 
- Landover Rd+#7781 
- Greenleaf Rd+Normandy Rd 
- Greenleaf Rd+Romney Ct 
- Greenleaf Rd+Matthew Henson Av 
- Matthew Henson Av+Barlowe Rd 
- Barlowe Rd+Palmer Park Rd 
- Barlowe Rd+Ray Leonard Rd 
- Barlowe Rd+Allendale Dr 
- Barlowe Rd+Landover Rd 
- Ruby Lockhart Dr+Campus Wy N 
- Lottsford Rd+#9617 
- Lottsford Rd+McCormick Dr 
- Lottsford Rd+Medical Center Dr 
- Lottsford Rd+Zachery St 
- Lottsford Rd+Grand Bl 
- Lottsford Rd+Harry S Truman Bl 
- N Harry Truman Dr+Largo Dr (W) 
- Downtown Largo+Bay A 
L12 to West to Capital Plaza
- Downtown Largo+Bay A 
- Largo Dr W+#9301 
- Lottsford Rd+Largo Dr W 
- Lottsford Rd+Harry S Truman Bl 
- Lottsford Rd+Grand Bl 
- Lottsford Rd+Zachery St 
- Lottsford Rd+Medical Ctr Dr 
- Lottsford Rd+McCormick Dr 
- Lottsford Rd+#9475 
- Lottsford Rd+Lottsford Ct 
- Ruby Lockhart Bl+Cross Church Wy 
- Ruby Lockhart Bl+Ruby Turn 
- Ruby Lockhart Bl+Grand Wy Bl 
- Ruby Lockhart Dr+Campus Wy N 
- Ruby Lockhart Bl+Grand Wy Bl
- approaching
- Ruby Lockhart Bl+Ruby Turn 
- Ruby Lockhart Bl+Cross Church Wy 
- Barlowe Rd+Landover Rd 
- Barlowe Rd+Allendale Dr 
- Barlowe Rd+Ray Leonard Rd 
- Barlowe Rd+Palmer Park Rd 
- Greenleaf Rd+Matthew Henson Av 
- Greenleaf Rd+Romney Ct 
- Greenleaf Rd+Normandy Rd 
- Greenleaf Rd+Muncy Rd 
- Fire House Rd+E Lombard St 
- Fire House Rd+Hawthorne St 
- Hawthorne St+Kent Village Dr 
- Hawthorne St+Kent Town Dr 
- Hawthorne St+#6819 
- Hawthorne St+Pinebrook Av 
- Pinebrook Av+Landover Rd 
- Landover Rd+Pinebrook Av 
- Old Landover Rd+Landover Rd 
- Landover+Bay C
- < 1 stop away
- Old Landover Rd+Landover Rd 
- Landover Rd+Kilmer St 
- Landover Rd+#6490 
- Landover Rd+Old Landover Rd 
- Landover Rd+Neighbor Ln 
- Hospital Dr+Landover Rd 
- Hospital Dr+County Health Ctr 
- Hospital Dr+County Health Ctr 
- Annapolis Rd+62 Av 
- Annapolis Rd+65 Av 
- Cooper Ln+Annapolis Rd
- approaching